Monday, September 28, 2015

New Puppy - Helpful Training Tips #1

So you have a new puppy in your life and the training is just beginning. If you're like me you just recently got a new puppy. In this post I will give you a few tips and some info to help training go a little smoother. I have a new puppy myself, mine is a 3 month old Pit Bull named Jastar. 

First thing you have to remember is that puppies need you to be a strong alpha pack leader. They are relying on you to help them learn and grow. Some ways to do this is to play with your puppy, but do not let them chew on your hands or clothes. It is important to set boundaries, if they do bite or chew on you or clothes very lightly tap them on the nose or side and say a firm NO. (Never hit or smack your puppy, that will only make it fearful of you.) Then give them something they are allowed to chew on. You will repeat this many times until they understand they are not to chew on you or your items.

Potty training is by far one of the more difficult things to train. Puppies sometimes do not realize they have to go until last minute. If they do have an accident, say a firm NO and then take them to the area they are supposed to potty in. Anytime your puppy wakes up from a nap, 30 mins after eating and anytime they are sniffing around take them out to the potty area. Once they go in the area, reward them either with affection or a treat. This positive reinforcement will help them make the connection on where the bathroom is. Please remember it takes time for your puppy to learn how to tell you he needs to go out.

So there are 2 basic tips for you on new puppy training. More to come and please if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I came across this article and found it very interesting and informational and thought I would share it with you all.  Just because an animal is considered an exotic pet doesn't mean it is harmful to people. In fact even animals such as rodent, ferrets, and small reptiles or other non mammals are exotics but are completely harmless as pets.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What is your favorite?

Do you have a favorite animal, if so what is it?

Would you ever want to own this animal?

If so why? If not, why not?

What is you're ideal pet?

Here are my answers to the following questions.

My favorite animal is The Tiger.

I would love to own one, but would not. I feel they belong in the wild, unless its' a animal conservation I own and it can't be re-released into the wild.

My ideal pet is a Maine Coon or Ragamuffin cat.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Top 32 small dogs who make good apartment dogs

Be they big dogs or small dogs the adaptability of a dog to a small living space like an apartment or condo depends primarily on the dog’s energy level and exercise routine. High energy dogs may be quite happy living in an apartment as long as the owner is fufilling the dog’s mental and physical fitness needs.The higher the energy level the more time you will need to spend doing activities with your dog like walking or jogging.While dogs with lower energy levels may require less exercise they still need exercise or they can become overweightdestructive and depressed.
Since small dogs take up less space, many apartment dwellers prefer the smaller types.
Here are 31 small dogs who received the highest — five-star — rating of “Almost always” in the Dog Breed Finder’ Adaptability Breed Characteristic (in alphabetical order):
10. Dachshund (Miniature)
11. Havanese
14. Lowchen
15. Maltese
17. Maltipoo
20. Papillon
21. Peekapoo
22. Pekingese
24. Poodle (Toy & Miniature)
25. Pug
26. Rat Terrier (Toy & Miniature)
27. Shiba Inu
28. Shih Tzu
31. Yorkipoo

Thursday, September 17, 2015

18 Unusual Pets that are Legal to Own

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Important information about owning a Big Cat

If you are thinking it might be really cool to have a big cat as a pet, take a few minutes to consider the costs.  But first check out the slideshow to see what it means to the cat.  Most people think the cost of the cat is the big expense, but that is just the beginning. (Although keep in mind that statistics show that 98% of the exotic animals bought as pets die in the first 2 years.)
Exotic cats range in price from a $900.00 Bobcat to a $2500.00 tiger cub.  Most of the mid size cats, like Servals and Caracals cost $1500.00 to $2200.00 and Ocelots can run as high as $15,000.00.  The more rare the cat, the higher the price.   Even though it may be a cute and cuddly cub right now, within the year it will reach almost it’s full size and will be spraying (no matter how young you neuter him or spay her) so you must have some things ready when the cat comes home.
You will have to have a Veterinarian on call who has already agreed to take care of your wild cat.  There are not very many with experience and fewer still who will want deal with the liability of having their staff exposed to your big cat, not to mention their regular clientele.  You will have to have a stainless steel squeeze cage that is capable of holding your cat at it’s max weight.  One of our tigers weighs 800 pounds and is 12 feet from nose to tip of tail.  A small squeeze cage will cost you 250.00 used and you could easily spend $2000.00 for one big enough for a lion or leopard.  You will need a forklift to move a tiger and they rent for $300.00 per day with an operator.  Even our vets, who do nothing but cats, and have done ours for many years, will not  bring a big cat into their office unless it is already confined to the squeeze cage.
How will you transport your cat to the vet for all of it’s yearly vaccinations, check ups and boo boos?  Even a little cat, in it’s squeeze cage isn’t going to fit into your compact car.  You will need a van and it has to be in tip top shape because being stranded on the side of the road in the middle of no where, or worse yet, traffic, with a freaked out wild cat in the heat, rain or snow is a nightmare of  extreme proportion.  Been there, done that and bought the $28,000.00 van to keep it from ever happening again.  If you are dealing in small to mid size cats you might find a dependable mini van for $15,000.00.  You can’t rely on borrowing one because believe me, when a cat needs emergency veterinary treatment it is always at the most inconvenient times.
Most states have cage requirements of varying standards.  In some states you must have no less than 5 acres if you want to own a big cat.  Acreage where I live is $75,000.00 per acre, but a lot of rural places near you may be as low as $10,000.00 per acre.  Most states and federal guidelines require then that you have an 8 foot perimeter fence which on 5 acres can easily run $8000.00.  You are not allowed to use this outside wall as any part of your cage, so your cage will be another $2500.00 for a small to mid size cat, like a lynx to $7500.00 for a lion, leopard or tiger.
You will need a roof to prevent escapes so consider in your design how you will support it.  These are just your first year, start up costs.  You will never be able to move with your big cat because the Captive Wildlife Safety Act prohibits moving big exotic pet cats across state lines.  Many progressive states are banning the practice of keeping wild cats captive and you could be investing tens of thousands of dollars and then when your pet dies you cannot buy another one.
Some costs keep reoccurring every year.  Good food and vitamins for a mid size cat will run you $730.00 per year and for a big cat closer to $2000.00 per year.  You have to be able to defrost it for them every day and 15 pounds of bleeding meat in your kitchen every day is a health hazard unto itself.  If your cat just gets it’s annual shots and doesn’t need any emergency care your vet bill will be about $127.00 to $250.00 depending on the size of the cat.  They have to be vaccinated every year for rabies and all the regular cat diseases.  Worming your cat every month, if you do it yourself will cost $45.00 to $60.00 and flea prevention costs $120.00 to $250.00 per year per cat depending on size.  You will have to learn a new trick every month for fleas and wormings as the cats hate both and can smell you coming a mile off.
Good Pets vs Bad PetsYou will need state and federal permits and if you have never dealt with these governmental agencies you are in for a life time of headaches and heart breaks that just won’t stop.  None of them want to deal with “pet people” and they will do every thing in their power to make you wish you had never brought home that little bundle of joy.  You have to pay for the privilege and  these licenses and dues can run you well over $200.00 per year.  If you don’t keep your permits up to date they can confiscate your cat and kill it.
These agencies will often require you to carry liability insurance and that can run you $1000.00 to $14,000.00 per year depending on your safety record.  Most homeowners insurance policies will cancel you if they find out you have an exotic animal and many states are purposely reporting your permit status to the public to make it easier for your insurance carrier to find out.  If you have a mortgage on your home, you have to have insurance and may not be able to get it, which means you could be foreclosed.
Some things are fun, like buying toys for your exotic cat, but you can’t buy them stuff on the racks because they will destroy and eat it and then you’ve got some major medical bills.  Our big cats like an indestructible ball that weighs 125 pounds and costs $250.00 including shipping.  The smaller cats can get along with a $50.00 ball, but that is just one ball and they need lots of things to keep them entertained.
All wild cats, neutered or not, male or female, will spray bucket loads of urine all over everything they wish to claim as theirs (including you) because this is how nature has taught them to guard territory. Having worked with 150+ cats, representing 23 species for nine years I can assure you that there is no way to prevent this behaviour.  Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t have a mature cat on their hands yet.  The reason I mention it here is that the urine is very caustic and will destroy their cage walls in a very short period of time, so you will be constantly rebuilding.  You don’t even want to know what it does to the sheet rock walls of your house or to wood.  Those trips to the vet will leave your car smelling like a sewer and nothing will get that smell out.
Consider also that nature has hard wired exotic cats in such a way that once they are mature they no longer feel any love for their mother and if they run into her in the wild will kill her for the territory.  Even if you raised them with all of the love and nurturing that their natural mother would provide (and she would die to protect them) they will not feel love, nor respect for you as the parent when they are full grown.  Thousands of years of instincts tell them that you are competition and that their survival depends on them being solitary.
This is the most frequent email we get from exotic cat owners: “Hey, I’m really in over my head here!  I got this thing as an infant. I bottle-raised it. Everything was great. But I can no longer handle this cat. I cannot housebreak it. It tries to attack people. I just don’t know what to do with it.'” This was an actual quote about a Serval, but we have had hundreds of similar letters about every kind of exotic cat.
To sum it all up, you can expect to invest almost $22,000.00 your first year into owning a small to mid size wild cat and your annual expenses will cost you around $2300.00.  If you want the big cat experience, the set up cost is over $94,000.00 and the annual care is over $8000.00 IF you have no emergencies and no one gets hurt and sues you for millions of dollars.  Everything has a price and this is the price of doing right by the animal.  Are you really prepared?
Read what happens to all of the animals who don’t work out as pets HERE.
Find out how many people are mauled or killed by their precious wild cat “pets” at

Author: Big Cat Rescue
My name is Ms. Willow Draconis, and I help people find their ideal animals or pets. There is no type, color or breed that is too big or too small for me to assist you in purchasing. I will work for you and help you find the ideal animal you are seeking. I can find most any type of pet, from domestic to exotic.

I will do all the work for you, all you need to do is sit back and wait for your new pet purchase.

I have over 15 years of experience working with animals.

So, if you need help or have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Phone: (503) 750 - 7076