Galagos /ɡəˈleɪɡoʊz/, also known as bushbabies, bush babies,
or nagapies, are small, nocturnal primates native to continental Africa. This species is a very small primate which
has an average size of approximately 5 inches (13 cm).
The bush baby has long, fuzzy wool-like fur which can be
either a shade of silvery gray or brown. Their ears are very large with four
ridges which allow them to bend back easily and wrinkle up. They also have
characteristically large eyes. Other interesting characteristics of this
species include its advanced hearing, thickened pads on its toes to allow it to
cling and climb safely and also its second tongue. This second tongue is
situated below their normal tongue and is used specifically in conjunction with
their front teeth for grooming.
The bush baby is especially well known for its amazing
jumping abilities. In fact, this species can jump up to 6.6 feet (2 m) in the
The bigger the cage the better.
If possible, create an outdoor primate enclosure with a
heated indoor cage (If heat is needed).
A cage can never be to secure, don’t underestimate primates,
they are strong and intelligent.
When building your primate enclosure, keep safety in mind.
Primates are very curious animals, and safety is important.
A double entry door is needed in the enclosure as well.
Many primates show signs of boredom in captivity, therefore
it’s very important that you change their environment from time to time. Try to use a lot of different items in their
home and switching it up now and then.
Here a few suggestions:
Leaves or grass floors
Trees and bushes
Peat, sawdust, straw, dried leaves and wood chip floors
Tree trunk
Wooden nest box
Coconut shells
Mirrors (unbreakable)
Plastic pipes
Baby toys
Dog toys
You must clean indoor cages every week. Droppings and excess
food should be removed daily.
primates are known to scent mark their environment, for these monkeys it’s very
important that you do not sterilize their cage at once. It is best to clean the
nest box and the cage at different times.
Use a mild disinfectant to clean their cage.
When building an outdoor cage don’t forget to provide some
shade in the summertime and protection from wind and rain such as covering a
part of the cage with a roof or solid walled area. Never use chicken wire for a
cage. Depending on the specie use stainless steel welded wire or chain link. Don’t forget that primates are very strong
animals so a chain link of approximately 12 gauge strength should be used. A safety entrance to prevent primates from escaping
is a must.
Not only the width and length of a cage is important but
also the height of the cage can be very important. Even small species prefer higher cages, this
makes them feel more secure, therefore it’s also very important that the next
box is placed as high as possible. The
minimum height of a cage for most species is about 6 feet high (1.80m).
Most primates need unfiltered sunlight (vitamin D3) for
their skeletal development, so if you don’t have an outdoor cage maybe it’s
more than a good idea to use Vita-Lites (replicate natural sunlight).
The choice of floor type is also very important. You can use
a drop tray, peat, sawdust, straw, dried leaves or wood chip floors for smaller
cages. Larger cages are probably better
off with cement floors, floors covered with linoleum, kitchen or bathroom
floors. Some people raise their cage
high enough from the ground (wire bottoms) for easy raking cleanup
underneath. This will also prevent a
monkey from reaching for food or other items fallen onto the soil.
When creating a natural environment with lots of plants,
don’t forget to use non-toxic plants.
Here are a few examples of non-toxic plants: bamboo, rubber tree,
willows, palm trees, elm, fig, hibiscus, pine, elder and silverberry.
Toxic plants like American oak tree, cedar, mistletoe and
pencil tree should never be used.
Don’t forget to use branches in your in- and/or outdoor
cage. Natural gum is very rich in vitamin D and Calcium and therefore
recommended for most primates. However,
beware in spring when the gum is young, it may cause intestine problems.
In the wild bushbabies are primarily insectivorous, but they
also eat Acacia gum, fruit, flowers, eggs, seeds and nectar.
The recommended diet
for bushbabies should consist of:
2-5% Eggs
5-10% Crickets/Mealworms
15-20% Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
75-80% Hi Pro Monkey/Cat Chow
A varied diet is very important to avoid boredom and loss of
You can use commercial primate diet supplemented with:
insects like mealworms, crickets and grasshoppers
chopped fruit like mango and apple
cat food
Arabic gum
vitamin supplements
and don’t forget: Fresh
water every day at all times.
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